Maudsley and Bethlem Hospital School 1

Mental Health Resources for Schools

Here are some resources you might find useful

Rebuilding home-school attendance during a psychiatric hospital admissionResources for school leaders

Leading the Mentally Healthy School – What you do – what you want (2)Leading the Mentally Healthy School – Resources updatedLeading the mentally healthy school – concepts and policy

Leading the mentally healthy school – latest Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools

How to support refugee and and asylum-seeking children and young people who have experienced trauma

These presentations outline the school’s use of the Happiness Line Measure (HLM) alongside others that address assessments of happiness in school (SCHI) Measures of children's mental health psychological wellbeing measures of children's mental health enjoyment as well as reintegration readiness (RRS) Book Depository Challenging Behaviour in Mainstream Schools Jane McSherry.

HLM Measure

Happiness Line Measure (HLM) Instructions for Happiness Line MeasureRe-integration Readiness Scale (RRS) – 

Schoolchildren’s Happiness Inventory and bullying (SCHI)- Paris FF evaluation of SCHI A presentation given to medical staff at the Maudsley Hospital exploring mental illness as a special educational need in the revised code of practice.

Mental Illness as a Special Educational NeedGuidance on preparing to teach about mental health and emotional wellbeing PSHE Association – Mental Health guidance

MindEd is a free educational resource on children and young people’s mental health for all adults. 


Looking after yourself: top tips for staff in education settingsThe Happiness Line Measure (HLM) This published measure can be used to gauge the happiness of individual pupils but it also gives an insight into what makes a child happy or unhappy in school. From this information it is possible to devise targets that tap into the pupils` concept of their own happiness and therefore help them to achieve. Instructions for Happiness Line Measure Some more resources:

Government Publications Counselling in schools Government Publications mental health and behaviour in schools

Supporting pupils with medical conditions - templates

Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions

Education for children with health needs who cannot attend school CWMT Resources

Information re-applying for Educational Healthcare Plan  

Process for developing individual healthcare plans