Maudsley 085

Curriculum Intent

The school’s curriculum is highly personalised. We support pupils to move forwards from their starting point.

Each of our students begins their journey in our school (however long or short), with baseline assessments. This, combined with, their age, feedback from student’s home school, observations of them in our classrooms and other information (for example Education, Health and Care Plans) helps us to identify how to work with each student.

For some of our students, we are able to liaise closely with their home school and use work provided by the school to inform our lessons.

For others, we create subject ‘Learning Pathways’. These are short groups of lessons that create coherent sequences linked to the National Curriculum or a subject specification. These can be adapted easily to better reflect the student’s current wellbeing and progress.

The benefit of a learning pathway is that our students can easily see how their lesson fits into a wider series of lessons and what they will be learning next, giving their classes structure and meaning.

For more information about our way of working, please see our Curriculum Policy here

To find out more, please contact your child’s key teacher on 020 8777 1897.

Here are some sample Learning Pathways, from different parts of the school.